TERS mold experts understand the health risks associated with mold exposure and/or toxic mold syndrome. In addition to our expertise in all types of mold (including black toxic mold), we are also experts in indoor air quality testing, water damage repair and fire damage restoration.
Molds adversely affect human health through three processes: allergy, infection and toxicity.Approximately 10% of Americans are allergic to Cladosporiun, the dominant species in outdoor air (Horner et al. 1995). Recent studies of hospital admissions in relation to outdoor mold ascribes approximately 2% of emergency admissions to hospitals for asthma as being associated with mold spores present in outdoor air and a further 6% to Basidiospores and Ascomycete spores (Dales et al. 2000).
Toxic mold syndrome is often the term used to describe various symptoms and illnesses linked to exposure of certain mold spores and the various chemicals produced by these certain types of molds.
The Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), sponsored a meeting in 1998, on mold and health, attended by 15 scientists, (mostly physicians), from 8 countries. It concluded, “Exposure to mold may constitute a health threat… resulting in respiratory symptoms in both upper and lower airways, an increased incidence of infections, and skin symptoms. Allergy either to mold or other indoor agents also presents a health risk. At very high mold exposure levels, nose bleeds, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage have been documented." This is a rare consensus of government and independent officials regarding health risks caused by exposure to indoor mold.
The Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), sponsored a meeting in 1998, on mold and health, attended by 15 scientists, (mostly physicians), from 8 countries. It concluded, “Exposure to mold may constitute a health threat… resulting in respiratory symptoms in both upper and lower airways, an increased incidence of infections, and skin symptoms. Allergy either to mold or other indoor agents also presents a health risk. At very high mold exposure levels, nose bleeds, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage have been documented." This is a rare consensus of government and independent officials regarding health risks caused by exposure to indoor mold.
Mold Exposure Health Symptoms and/or Toxic Mold Syndrome:
- Allergic reaction
- Nose bleeds
- Pulmonary hemorrhage or pulmonary hemosiderosis (primarily in infants)
- Immune system suppression (resulting in increasing numbers of infections
- Chronic fatigue
- Dermatitis
- Hair loss
- Headaches
- Sore throats
- Burning" eyes
- Flu-like symptoms
- Blurred vision
- Cognitive disorders
- Shortness of breath
- Respiratory illness i.e. bronchitis
- Chest pains, chest tightness
- Breathing problems
- Dry cough
- Wheezing
- Aggravated asthma
- Nasal congestion
- Asthma complications